SFAS - Santa Fe Animal Shelter
SFAS stands for Santa Fe Animal Shelter
Here you will find, what does SFAS stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Santa Fe Animal Shelter? Santa Fe Animal Shelter can be abbreviated as SFAS What does SFAS stand for? SFAS stands for Santa Fe Animal Shelter. What does Santa Fe Animal Shelter mean?Santa Fe Animal Shelter is an expansion of SFAS
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Alternative definitions of SFAS
- Swiss Foot and Ankle Society
- Statement Of Financial Accounting Standards
- Student Financial Aid Services
- Statements of Financial Accounting Standards
- Safety Feature Activation System
- statement of financial accounting standard
- Scandic Food A/S
- Sika Footwear A/S
View 25 other definitions of SFAS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SARC Student Alumni Relations Cell
- SPF State Pension Fund
- SY Shades to You
- SFWS Santa Fe Waldorf School
- SSL Show Support Limited
- SCV Supply Chain Visions
- SPD Saginaw Police Department
- SESA Santa Elena S.A.
- SLF Summit Livestock Facilities
- SFFC Short Form Film Company
- SIC Signal Information and Communication
- SJCCC St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce
- STG Spring Telecom Group
- SGCC Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club
- SOSRC SOS Recruitment Consultants
- SPS Secure Payment Systems
- SPSB Sabine Parish School Board
- SML Stansfield Motors Limited
- SCPL St. Charles Parish Library
- SLC Somerset Lending Corp